Shades Of Blue

2010-2013 Shouts

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Ok its been a while since I have updated due to so much going on in life but I am going to do so much better!!! Here are my shout outs and memoirs to those who have been a part of my life from 2009ish to 2013!! I will continue to update...

Here are your floweres while you live...

Antoine B.- Unique, artisit soul. I wish we didn’t have to see the world so differently on how things should be done, maybe you will never understand me but I am glad I got to cook with you and share thoughts. You have a great mind and your family is beautiful. You are a blessed man.

David- Amazing we are still in touch after all these years. How time has flown since your Barnes Ave days! I am so glad to see you have remained an amazing person- I know your dad is smiling on you somewhere high above. Maybe he’s met my mom and they can talk about what amazing children they have walking this earth!

Dawun- I am so happy that I have gotten a chance to have you be a part of my life. I don’t know if you even know but I never allow myself to cry in front of anyone and with you I couldn’t not be open if I tried. You just have this part of you where I feel to the need to be honest- where I feel I can safely open myself up. What an amazing friend you are; I am sad to lose you but as you journey to marriage and love I can only smile and wish you the best because I know no one deserves good things more than you do. I know life will be beautiful for you. I always expected it to be. I will miss you more than I think you will ever know!

Duntair- You are so dear to me. I am glad our friendship has never had to end and even through relationships I can still call you when I need you. I have made it through some rough times bc of you. Your visits, our dinners, hangouts, phone calls, you have been patient and amazing. I was so happy when you told me you found W. I felt like no one deserved it more than you and she was amazing so there were no worries for me. You two were made for each other and I am so glad I have a God son ;) even if I have yet to hold and love on him!

Erika- My friend where nothing has changed, no matter how much time passed I feel as though we are always still where we left off! Love you.

Kalisha- I love you- I love you- I love you!! I am so glad you are in my life. I miss our sleepovers and movie dates but I will NEVER again watch a movie that one of your brothers recommend! Remember when I was going through a bad break up and we watched the depressing movie…ugh yea…lol Those butterflies that sit in my house..I hope you know they meant so much to me. I was so homesick!!!

Lavon- I have the most beautiful moments with you. Everytime I am around you I feel like there is magic in the air. I don’t know…maybe your cologne is made of weed and acid tonic but it’s a story everytime I am with you. None like you- none could ever replace you. If you weren’t into men I might of thought we were soul mates so I suppose we are just kin kimchi mates J.

Leah- You confuse the living day lights out of me! You’re so here and then so gone but when you are present you are one of the best things in my life. I love you truly and am glad you were there even before I said I needed you there. You’re the best friend I never had and sometimes still don’t have( you catch ghost too much) but I am and always will be grateful for a friend like you. I hope we keep in touch through the years. I am counting on you to be a golden girl with me!! In the mean time I miss our lunch dates and listening to your crazy love triangles! Besos!!

Marcus (Top Flight)- I always secretly called you Mike Epps… you made me smile when I needed to smile, laugh when I needed to laugh…and uh sometimes I thought I was gonna have to bail you out of jail, but you also made me feel really pretty when everything around me made me feel low. You were there for me when I needed to breathe and you never hesitated. I will always appreciate that. Also I’m gonna need a bottle of that hot sauce…real talk ;)

Natasha- my jitter bug…you are one high energy, sweet, loving soul. My sister, my kimchi twin.

Nila- You are my love! We have been friends for so long and I realize how wonderful and lucky it is that I have had you all these years. You have been patient with me and willing to take me in when I was lost and without. I love you more than there are words to say and am ever so blessed for you being in my life!

Niquita- You are my booski!! We fight, we hug, but you are my rock above all things. I fight against you but you keep me centered. You have soften my heart after it has been harden from years of abuse and above all you have been there no matter what. I love you and an glad I have had you to show me how to love gay huh? I’ll be that J

Ruth Ann- Insanely carpe diem. Amazing woman that I met way too late. We had fun times with the time we had left. You make me laugh with your insane ways but man I love me some Ruthie!!!

Sanee- man the memories, the parties, the chill nights..kansas…things I will never forget! The night you fell in the tub….just wow… I think I pee’d in my pants laughing!

Serene- You have gone above and beyond and made me a part of your family. There are none like you, none who can replace you. I miss you so much. I am waiting for you to come this way so we can resume our friendship! You a such a unique and amazing woman. I am blessed to have met you!

Vanessa- my friend forever, my ray of light. You inspire me. When the world closes in on me and I want to just be a dark so you help me remember that there are still good and true people in the world. I keep in touch with God because the God I see in you is real. How can I not love him when he flows so freely through you. I know the day will come when he will bless you with all that you deserve and I can’t wait for that day!

Whitney- I am so happy for you and D. I can’t wait till you guys walk down the aisle. I wish we had more time before I moved but I know that we will have more times in the future. You are such a good support and I will always be grateful for my party and I look forward to the day I can throw your bash! Thank you for allowing my friend to remain my friend when you two became a couple. I will be grateful always!

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